Now it’s CCD yellow degree

I started to wear my yellow CCD wristband today. So my focus is on the principles and practices of the 3rd CCD degree currently.

The yellow degree emphasises:

  • Principles
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
    • Dependency Injection (without Locator or Container)
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Practices
    • Automated Unit Tests
    • Mockups
    • Code Coverage Analysis
    • Partiticipation in technical conferences and meetings

Here is my attempt of a very short subsumption as I did in my post on the previous degree: The principles of the yellow degree support proper design and architecture, they enhance testability in the same way. This is required for the practices (except the participation in conferences), for these concentrate on (automated) code testing. (There are no rules here.)

Stefan Lieser told me, that together with Ralf Westphal he tried to build thematic bundles for each CCD degree. As I can see so far, they did a good job.

Once more, I am aware of almost all the elements focussed at my current degree. In general, most of the principles, rules, and practices presented on CCD are well-known. The purpose of a CCD degree is to concentrate on the elements of that degree and to try not to violate them. By this, they hopefully will become second nature to you.

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