DWX 2016 – day 2

Halftime. On the second day of the conference I concentrated on .NET development.

The day started for me with Carsten König who gave an introduction to F# – Funktionale Programmierung mit F#. It was a good talk although only few things were really informative for me. One of my highlights so far followed: akka.net – Einführung in das Actor Model mit .NET held by Ralph Waldenmaier. He gave a very good overview and background information on that topic. I am surely going to try out the actor model in an eligible project! Normally, databases are not one of my favourite topics. But Constantin ‘Kostja’ Klein told us about Database Lifecycle Management. I found his information very useful, for they perfectly go with our actions taken to improve the lifecycle management of our software. He showed me how we can add the database aspects to that process.

In the afternoon, there were two DevSessions. David Tielke talked about .NET Core. It comprised great background information about the .NET Framework as well as about the new .NET Core. David explained very well what Microsoft’s strategy change means to us as developers. The last session was WPF Troubleshooting in Visual Studio 2015. Manuel Meyer presented very useful debugging and analysis tools that are free of charge and that help to find issues in .NET applications. Some of them are even part of the Visual Studio. In particular, Manuel concentrated on WPF applications. Very exciting and informative talk, too!

Now, I’m preparing my schedule for tomorrow.

DWX 2016 – day 1

This is a short report of the 1st day of the Developer Week (DWX) 2016 currently held at Nuremberg. I was here for the first time last year. For it was an impressive event, my expectations were very high. What shall I say, I am not disappointed. Again, the sessions are divided into 10 thematic tracks. The choice is hard. The good thing is that the slides of the talks are all available later.

The conference started with a great keynote by Jurgen Appelo who told us about Managing for Happiness, which was quite inspiring. Then, I listened to David Tielke who proposed an overview over the Composite Components Architecture. Although it was not really new to me, there were some interesting thoughts and approaches I will share with my co-workers. David Würfel informed us about some core tools regarding WPF development. His talk was named The WPF First Aid Kit. The last two talks today for me were given by Andi Grabner. They both were about metrics, Top Performance Fehler in .NET and Metrik gesteuertes DevOps und Continuous Delivery, respectively.

To sum it up, the sessions today were either an eye-opener to me or gave me some deeper insight or a new approach to things I already have in mind.

So far, the event brought valuable information to me personally as well as to my daily business life. As it did last year…

Be curious about my report tomorrow.