There’s a new blog in town…

Some time ago I was told that it might be a good idea to run a blog. Normally, I don’t like this kind of hype things. I don’t need to have a blog just because everyone does.

But there was one thing that made me think it over. I have learned a lot from the internet, because there are people who share their ideas. This is my point: Sometimes, I’m seeking for ideas rather than information. Blogs turned out to be a valuable source for that. So why don’t be bi-directional, i.e. try to give something back using the same way? Maybe my thoughts can be an impulse for others out there?

As the subtitle of this blog states, I’m interested in anything that has to do with Computer Science. Currently, my favourites are from the domain of professional software development. This comprises technologies and techniques as well as soft skills. Consequently, these will be – at least at the beginning – the topics of my posts.

So, stay tuned, maybe you’ll find something interesting for you here, too!

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